Why is my transaction for starting presale failing?
Starting a presale should be quick and simple, but sometimes you may face challenges that are overlooked. This is a quick guide to help you make things smooth during creating presale
Follow this flow chart to figure out what to do in case transaction for starting your presale is failing. This chart is for basic use.
Time error
You may get a pop up timer error or you may get an error during the final submission page of your presale creation. This is due to the time that you have chosen. There are cases where users start creating the presale 10 minutes prior to their preferred time; however, click submit after their preferred time that they've chosen on the first page. If this happens, you will get a transaction failure or error. Please choose a time that is half an hour or more so it gives you time to make decisions when choosing presale time.
Please set your start timer a minimum of 10 minutes from now.
The time is based on the user’s time zone
RPC Error
You may get errors like this during transactions where it says RPC is wrong.
Please choose a new RPC url for the network you are trying to use, by visiting chainlist.org and getting a new RPC Url.
Wallet money amount
You need to have at least fee + $50 worth of native coins for having a smooth transaction. One of the most common issues that users have faced is that their wallets lack the adequate funds for making the presale which causes transaction errors on metamask or similar wallets.