
A step by step guide on how to use the referral dashboard to earn anywhere from $10 to $100,000+ just by referring a sale!

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  • Bronze — 5% fee referral earn and 5% discount provided to the person using the referral code

  • Silver— 10% fee referral earn and 10% discount provided to the person using the referral code

  • Gold— 20% fee referral earn and 20% discount provided to the person using the referral code

Sharing referral codes

You can share your code via URL which is an easier way to ensure that the client uses your code without having to think about it.

For full list of url's please see below. Please change ref=raphaeldx to your own code ref=_______

Please ensure that you make your code for every network, so no matter which network the client is using , they always have your code

Claiming Referrals

Your rewards will automatically show up on your wallet and can be tracked by the referral page as shown below:

With the DxSale's referral system, you do not have to press any buttons to claim your native coins or tokens that you have earned from referring. It will automatically be on your wallet.

If you are a special business partner, there is a claim button that you need to click to claim your tokens. Please see the DxSale Partners section

Last updated