Team (Contact Us)

Marketing offers, business partnerships, help? This is the page to find out who the DxSale team members are

Please ensure effective communication by contacting one of our team members. When utilizing our application, kindly verify that your URL is either or is also a valid domain to discover more about our company and additional applications.

Our community predominantly resides on Telegram, and we encourage you to join our primary chat here for any support or to share your upcoming presale with our community. We also offer a Chinese user group for our clients.

If you are a project seeking to launch on DxSale or require assistance in utilizing our application, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the following Sales Team:

DxSale Team

Pip - Sales Manager, Exclusive Lounge & Twitter Space Host and Business Dev

Micanne - Sales Lead and Business Dev

Scisor (Sahariar) - Community Moderator Manager, Spreading Team Manager, Exec Assistant & Business Dev

Cylvestre - Business Dev, Community Moderator Lead and Onboarding Lead

Joel - Exec Assistant, Business Dev, Community Moderator Lead, and Onboarding Lead

Lore - Community Moderator and Spanish Community Expert

Mel - Community Moderator

Amir - Onboarding & Sales

For partnership requests, we kindly ask that you contact our founders, namely Dennis, Hash, and Raphael. Please ensure all emails are copied to receive the quickest response. Dennis - Hash - Raphael -

As a precautionary measure, we advise that you always verify our usernames with our primary Telegram chat. If someone (excluding our sales representatives) DMs you first, it is highly probable that they are a scammer.

Last updated